Brist på komponenter stoppar AMOLED i iPad 2

Tyvärr kan vi nog sluta hoppas på AMOLED-skärmar (Active-matrix organic light emitting diode) i nästa generations iPad. Det finns helt enkelt inte tillräckligt med komponenter hos tillverkarna för Apples behov.

Den största tillverkaren av AMOLED i den här storleken, Samsung, kan knappt producera tillräckligt med skärmar till sina egna Galaxy-S-produkter.

Digitimes rapporterar:

With backlight unit (BLU) makers set to be suppliers for the second generation of iPad, AMOLED will still be unable to enter Apple’s supply chain. Panel makers have noted that a major reason for Apple to overlook AMOLED for iPads is insufficient supplies. SMD’s current capacity for 2- to 4.2-inch AMOLED panels are not enough to meet the demand from Samsung’s Galaxy-S, Google Nexus-S, Nokia and HTC.

Moreover, the current AMOLED technology is not suitable for volume production of 7- to 11-inch tablet PC panels, and the mass production cost will not be able to compete with TFT-LCD panels.

Vad är AMOLED?