All Things D: iPad 3 i början av mars

Nu börjar det närma sig. John Paczkowski på All Things D säger att iPad 3 kommer att presenteras första veckan i mars.

När det kommer rykten från All Things D bör man lyssna noga för de brukar vara pålitliga när det gäller just kommande event från Apple. Ryktet stämmer också bra in jämfört med förra året (lansering 2 mars, släppt till försäljning i USA 11 mars).

Sources say the company has chosen the first week in March to debut the successor to the iPad 2, and will do so at one of its trademark special events. The event will be held in San Francisco, presumably at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Apple’s preferred location for big announcements like these. No word yet on a street date for the iPad 3 (assuming that’s what it’s called), though my guess is retail availability will follow roughly the same schedule as that of the iPad 2: Available for purchase a week or so after the event.

Angående nyheterna i iPad 3 så ska de vara i linje med tidigare rykten:

As for the next-generation iPad itself, sources say it will be pretty much what we’ve been led to expect by the innumerable reports leading up to its release: A device similar in form factor to the iPad 2, but running a much faster chip, sporting an improved graphics processing unit, and featuring a 2048×1536 Retina Display — or something close to it.

Sedan tidigare har The Verge spekulerat i att Apple skulle välja onsdag 29 februari:

There are 29 days in February this year (it's a leap year), and the 29th falls on a Wednesday (the day on which Apple has announced every other iPad). The iPad 2 was announced on March 2nd, 2011, and made available the following Friday (March 11th). If Apple were planning on having these ready for the weekend of March 9th, it seems relatively possible that they could choose that date...

Vad som stämmer återstår att se, men jag sätter en slant på att vi får se iPad 3 inom en månad.

[Via [url=""/]MacStories[/url]]

Uppdatering: Nu har Jim Dalrymple på The Loop bekräftat detta rykte och då är det så säkert som ett rykte någonsin kan bli.