Det är officiellt: Apple och Motorola gör mobil tillsammans!

Nu är det officiellt, Apple och Motorola gör mobiltelefon tillsammans!

Det handlar om en mobil som kan spela musik köpt på iTunes Music Store, framtagen i sammarbete mellan Apple och Motorola. Det finns inte så mycket info ännu, t.ex. om det är en telefon designad av Apple eller om sammarbetet bara gäller musiktekniken.

En tanke som slog mig: Är det detta Apple ska ha sina flashminneskort till??

Såhär skriver MacNN:

Apple Computer and Motorola could soon show the mobile phone they are developing to play music purchased from Apple's iTunes online music store, according to Forbes. "We've said we have something coming on this in the first half of 2005 and we're definitely on schedule for that. Hopefully you'll be able to see more about it soon," said Eddy Cue, vice president in charge of applications at Apple. "What we've talked about is a something that is valuable for the mass market," Cue added. "It has to be a phone in the middle-tier of the market, not a $500-tier phone. It has to be very seamless to use. And we're very happy with the results." Cue reportedly declined to say whether CEO Steve Jobs would introduce the phone at next month's Macworld Expo in San Francisco.

MacNN: Apple and Motorola may soon produce mobile phone

Engadget: Apple and Moto announce partnership on cellphone

Forbes: Get Ready To Call ITunes