Kommer Linux döda OS X?

Med krigsrubriken "Will Linux finish off the Mac" skriver David Berlind en lång artikel i amerikanska ZDNet News.

Kommentarerna blir naturligtvis minst sagt uppretade av Macvänner ifrån hela världen. Men har David en poäng? Läs hans artikel här: ZDNET: Will Linux finish off the Mac? och kommentera!

Han skriver bland annat:
The target for desktop Linux is simple: OS X. All desktop Linux must do is aspire to be what OS X is. If it can do that, it will not only upset the "Applecart," it will also give desktop Windows a serious run as well. The number one issue working against OS X on the desktop today is cost. We’re willing pay extra for an easy to use, shrink-wrapped bundle of hardware and software, but OS X in combination with Apple’s hardware exceeds the budget for a majority of users. Many today would argue that it’s not cost, but rather that they’re walled into Windows because of compatibility issues. Indeed, for some, that walled garden is difficult to extract themselves from.