Apple: "3GHz G5 kommer att dröja"

Apple erkänner att man inte kommer kunna hålla sitt löfte att leverera en 3GHz Power Macintosh G5 ett år efter lanseringen av den ursprungliga 2GHz modellen.

Tom Boger är produktchef för Power Macintosh avdelningen på Apple och säger idag att varken Powerbook G5 eller 3GHz Power Macintosh G5 kommer lanseras på länge - inte heller en iMac G5 är aktuell inom den närmaste tiden. Problemen med att konvertera 130nm tekniken i processorerna till PowerPC 970FX som använder 90nm teknik var helt enkelt för stora.

Tom berättar:
"It's actually quite simple - When we made that prediction, we just didn't realize the challenges moving to 90 nanometer would present. It turned out to be a much bigger challenge than anyone expected. All-in-all, no we are not getting to 3GHz anytime soon, but what we are announcing today is a very significant upgrade in performance and its something that are customers will be very happy with."

Tom Boger fortsätter: ""I think it's important to realize that the technical challenges are not trivial putting that G5 in a PowerBook or anything else and not to expect a G5 anytime soon in a PowerBook -- certainly not before the end of the year." Han fortsätter att bertta om iMac G5:

"It's the same story -- the challenges are obvious when you look at the G5 and the size of the heatsinks and the enclosure; that would be a heck of a challenge as well."

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