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Vettiga broadcasters...?!

Tråden skapades och har fått 8 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

I väntan på QuickTime Broadcaster.. vilka andra finns det (främst för o skicka MP3/live till en QTSS) ?

Tänker mest på OSX program (givetvis)..

Sorenson Broadcaster och Audion går bort.. fler alternativ?

Finns det ö h t några andra?


Skapades ursprungligen av: Jürgen B:
I väntan på QuickTime Broadcaster.. vilka andra finns det (främst för o skicka MP3/live till en QTSS) ?

Tänker mest på OSX program (givetvis)..

Sorenson Broadcaster och Audion går bort.. fler alternativ?

Jag har postat en inbjudan till att vara med och porta Livecast från BSD till OS X . Kolla in den och gå med om ni kan tillföra information, kunskaper eller något annat.

Ja du.. Det finns ju alltid LiveChannel.. fast det är MacOS 9 only.. Annars en excellent broadcaster.. Som till och med Sorenson rekomenderar..

Jag är mer ute efter o köra MP3 streams till min streamserver för folk att koppla upp sig mot. Tänkte köra live hemifrån helt enkelt.

I och med QTB kan man ju kanske gå över till MP4 o samtidigt få folk att upppgradera snabbare till QT6. (QTB+QT6 kommer samtidigt förmodar jag)

Varför QT? RealOne klarar redan nu MP4.. Samt en hel del andra spelare..Fast å andra sidan, QuickTime är bara mer än en spelare..

Nja, det trista svaret är. Nej, det finns ingen MP3 Broadcaster som klarar att köras med QTSS förtillfället.

Lite tråkigt..
Jag väntar ivrigt på QT6 o QTB.. skulle inte MPEG-LA ha ett möte nu i April (eller var det Maj?) där dom skulle diskutera bla MPEG-4 licenserna.

Ämne: Broadcasting mp3 with SoundJam 2.5.3 and QTSS 4

Hello to all participants

This list has been very useful to me indeed. I got a post from Lee
Azzarello, to whom I am very thankful for helping me to solve my problem in
trying to broadcast mp3 in real-time.

Before you can begin broadcasting mp3, you have to go to QTSS´s
administration (myservertcp-ipaddress:1220). Here you have to change your
password in "Change my MP3 broadcast password" once for all. With SoundJam
2.5.3 installed in my client (only for classic) I went to "Stream
Broadcast" command and used the following settings:

Server address: myserverstcp-ipaddress:554/icy_0
Port: is empty, because I have used it in the server address above
Password: the one I used in the QTSS´s administration pages (see above)

After that I went to the "SoundJam Encoder" by pressing the button
"Configure..." and configured the parameters accordingly. I was able to
stream 128 kbps in very high quality. You can try different settings, if
you want. Sometimes I noticed that if I stopped broadcasting for trying to
change some of my encoding configurations, SoundJam would not want to
connect to the server. I went to the administration pages and found out
that QTSS still had my ipnr. on the connected user lists. By closing
SoundJam and opening it again, I was able to get through. I think it
happened because I was trying to listen to my own broadcasting with iTunes
from my own machine. If I only listened to my broadcasting from other
clients, the problem wouldn´t occur.

Lee Azzarello has an explanation for the very mysterious url used in
"Server address":

"I think SoundJam might use the outdated Shoutcast protocol. QTSS uses the
newer Icecast protocol. The main difference between the two is that Icecast
supports mountpoints, which shoutcast doesn´t. QTSS also defaults to port
554. So SoundJam would have to broadcast to Then you could
connect your MP3 player to (icy_0 is the
default mountpoint for Shoutcast)."

I hope the above explanation is clear enough for all of them that are
trying these things out. Now I have a full net radio by only using Mac´s. I
have 20 Mac clients with iTunes listening to my broadcast.

I have tried with WinAmp and it worked as broadcaster as well as SoundJam.
Nevertheless if I tried to listen to my broadcasting via WinAmp for Windows
(mind that there is a version for Mac´s also, which can´t be used as
broadcaster yet) I experienced that the sound was filled with small jumps.
It didn´t matter how low the bitrate was. I made many hypotheses about it:
network congestion, processor power in my Windows machine, QTSS sucks, and
Windows sucks. But none of those were right. By going deep in WinAmp
preferences, I found out that if I chose not to show music titles in real
time, the whole player would behave totally the same as iTunes for Mac´s:
smooth sound and high quality. I don´t understand the cause of this
problem. Has anybody a suggestion?


Alcides Braga
The Danish School of Journalism
[email protected]

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