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okänd fm-maskin ?

Tråden skapades och har fått 7 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .
  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2006-10-13 19:25

Okänd och okänd......

Inte vanlig precis.


  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2006-10-13 19:27

Den stora frågan är dock varför DU surfar på sådana sidor ?!


Ursprungligen av waveterm:

Den stora frågan är dock varför DU surfar på sådana sidor ?!


tja, tråkigt på jobbet vettu, och en synt är ju ändå en synt,
å sen hade jag ju en del digitalt geräte an gång i tiden...

  • Medlem
  • 2006-10-13 19:42

Föregångare till FS1r?

  • Medlem
  • Uppsala
  • 2006-10-13 20:39

Tycker bara det ser ut som ytterligare en Yamaha-produkt med YM2151-chippet och ditslabbat nåt dåligt digitalt 80-talsreverb som låter som ett sandslott kolappsar.

Men var det många av Yamaha's FM synthar som hade DOS editor? Verkar ju rätt hardcore!

  • Medlem
  • Uppsala
  • 2006-10-14 10:45

"The FVX-1 was originaly released back in the early eighties as a voice expansion module for the Electone HX series organs. It is based on a new FM Tone Generator using 8 Operators, giving a total of 63 Algorithm Patterns. Up to 4 parts (8-voice polyphonic each!) can be played simultaniously with a (simple) FX-unit on each of the parts. The FVX-1 holds a total of 504 patches: 248 in ROM and an additional 256 in RAM. And all settings for the 4 parts including MIDI-settings and controller-settings can be stored in one of the 16 available Performances (or like the manual says Registers).

These specs were very very sofisticated back in those days. And that was the reason why it was overpriced. As a result of the high price the module never got sold. It's a shame because it's the best sounding FM-module I ever heared (with an excellent phaser in the FX-units!) and it's the best looking module I ever saw. With a stereo levelmeter and handles on the front to pull your module out of the 19" rack, it almost looks like it is worth a $4000. But actualy, believe me, it's not. The biggest problem of this module is yet to come.

Not every parameter in the FM-system can be accessed. Instead, Yamaha developed a software editor to gain all access. And here the problem comes: because of the poor sellings of the FVX-1, the software never got sold. It got lost. And even people at Yamaha Japan cannot help me to find the software. So now I'm stuck with an incredible machine, sounding very good in terms of FM synthesis, and all I can do is alter the presets for just a little bit. Luckily enough I didn't pay the full price, but got it in a very special bargain!"

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