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Applescript remote events?

Tråden skapades och har fått 1 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .
  • Medlem
  • 2003-04-18 17:55

får lite konstiga fel här !

detta funkar
set the target_app to application "Internet Connect"
using terms from application "Internet Connect"
tell target_app
end tell
end using terms from
detta fungerar ochså
set the target_app to application "finder" of machine "eppc://"
using terms from application "Finder"
tell target_app
say "hello"
end tell
end using terms from
men detta fungerar icke får timeout fel

set the target_app to application "internet connect" of machine "eppc://"
using terms from application "Internet Connect"
tell target_app
end tell
end using terms from


någon med några tips ? eller några bra applescript länkar ?

  • Medlem
  • 2003-04-18 20:44

fixade sig blev såhär

tell application "Finder" to set the fonster to "Ansluta sig lite ?"
tell application "Finder" to display dialog the fonster buttons {"kopplaupp", "kopplaner"} default button 1
copy the result as list to {button_pressed}
set the target_app to application "internet connect" of machine "eppc://"
using terms from application "Internet Connect"
if the button_pressed is "kopplaupp" then

tell target_app
say "connecting"
connect current configuration
say "connected"
end tell
tell target_app
say "disconnecting"
disconnect current configuration
say "disconnected"
end tell

end if
end using terms from

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