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Wired har en artikel om Apple och dess förmåga att gång på gång komma med lysande innovationer. Eller kanske att ta en redan existerande produkt och ta den till en helt ny nivå:
To change an industry once is impressive. To do it as many times as Apple has - popularizing innovations like the graphical user interface, the mouse, multihued hardware, and edgy industrial design - is phenomenal. For three decades, Apple has blazed a trail for the computer world. Now, the music business is watching slack-jawed.
Yet somehow, after all its time at the creative helm, Apple clutches a meager 3 percent of the computer market. The company does the inspired work of figuring out new ways to entice people to buy its machines, only to have other vendors crank out inelegant imitations for the masses. It seems unfair, both to Apple and to the hordes saddled with second-rate gear.
Artikelförfattaren, Josh McHugh, föreslår att Apple borde bli uppköpt och ger exempel på framgångsrika uppköp (som BMW:s köp av Mini). Han föreslår Sony som lämplig uppköpare.
Läs hela artikeln här:
Why Apple is So Tempting - Creative culture, killer products, zealous fans, and Steve Jobs. Memo to Sony: Bite!