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Brev ifrån USA

Tråden skapades och har fått 8 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Jag fick detta mail idag ifrån USA. Kan någon maila killen nedan och hjälpa honom? (jag har redan svarat ang "kringlan")


Dear Macintosh User Group leader!

In the author says the design on the Mac´s Command key:
"Throughout Scandinavia today the road agencies use it to mark sites of historical interest." Do we have any Scandinavian readers -- or Scandinavian tourists, for that matter -- who can verify this?"

I think the author can be reached at: [email protected]

As a former user group president I thought there must be a user group in Sweden. You were listed on Apple´s web site:

I am just an interested reader of Low End Mac, but maybe you could help me with a genealogy question. My grandfather was of Swedish ancestry and I believe I may have a copy of his birth certificate in probably Swedish. Family members say served in the Swedish Navy, took advantage of a chance to change his last name from Johnson to Gillen then came or returned to the US and lived the rest of his life from the early 1900s until he died in the 1950s. Could you help me find your Navy´s old personnel records or someone interested in genealogy who could help us check Swedish records?

Keith King
[email protected]
2610 Avenue G
Fort Madison, Iowa
USA 52627

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2002-07-31 20:23

Det finns en tråd om det någonstans på Macworld US Forum.

Susan Kare som gjorde symbolerna åt Apple (och NeXT, IBM och Microsoft) hittade formminnesmärket i en turistguidebok från Sverige.

Symbolen indikerar ett fornminne, till exempel en kyrkoruin, en runsten, ett vikingaskepp, en skeppssättning, hällristning eller ett gravfält från sten-, brons-, eller järnåldern.

Vet ingenting om genealogi eller flottans arkiv, men han kan väl kolla med Handelsflottans kultur- och fritidsråd och Riksarkivet.

[ 31 Juli 2002, 20:33: Meddelandet ändrat av: mondo65 ]

Tyckte väl jag sett "kringlan" någon annan stans

[QUOTE]"Throughout Scandinavia today the road agencies use it to mark sites of historical interest." Do we have any Scandinavian readers -- or Scandinavian tourists, for that matter -- who can verify this?"QUOTE]

Det som vi macanvändare är vana vid att kalla "kringla" är egentligen S:t Hanskorset.

Mer info på:

  • Medlem
  • Göteborg
  • 2002-08-01 02:34

Fornminnen markeras med ett run-R, kringlan markerar väl bara sevärdhet i största allmänhet.

Jag har nu svarat ang genealogin

  • Medlem
  • 2002-08-01 18:40

quote:Skapades ursprungligen av: Carl.Fredrik:
Jag har nu svarat ang genealogin

Vad svarade du då??

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2002-08-01 18:58

Jag skrev så här till honom:


quote: Hi there,

I write to you in response to this:

>Dear Macintosh User Group leader!
>In the author says the design on the Mac´s Command key:
>"Throughout Scandinavia today the road agencies use it to mark sites of historical interest." Do we have any Scandinavian readers -- or Scandinavian tourists, for that matter -- who can verify this?"
>I think the author can be reached at: [email protected]
>As a former user group president I thought there must be a user group in Sweden. You were listed on Apple´s web site:
>I am just an interested reader of Low End Mac, but maybe you could help me with a genealogy question. My grandfather was of Swedish ancestry and I believe I may have a copy of his birth certificate in probably Swedish. Family members say served in the Swedish Navy, took advantage of a chance to change his last name from Johnson to Gillen then came or returned to the US and lived the rest of his life from the early 1900s until he died in the 1950s. Could you help me find your Navy´s old personnel records or someone interested in genealogy who could help us check Swedish records?
>Keith King
>[email protected]
>2610 Avenue G
>Fort Madison, Iowa
>USA 52627

You can try contacting these organizations:

That will maybe move you on in the right direction. Fire of a few emails and who knows - you may get all the info you are requesting.

Keep on Macing!




quote:Skapades ursprungligen av: nixon:


quote:Skapades ursprungligen av: Carl.Fredrik:
Jag har nu svarat ang genealogin

Vad svarade du då??

Att det var roligt att han hade släkt härstammande från Sverige och att den bästa siten att starta på är där det förklaras hur arkiven är organiserade och att det finns en drös med användbara länkar. Att det kan vara en hel del arbete för mig att söka information åt honom. Det är relativt enkelt till början-mitten av 1800talet, men sedan krävs det lite mer.

Allt detta givetvis på engelska.

Bevaka tråden