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CarKey kan lanseras inom kort

Att kunna ersätta sin bilnyckel med sin iPhone eller Apple Watch ser ut att kunna bli verklighet inom kort.

Funktionen CarKey kommer ersätta den fysiska nyckeln till din bil och gör så att du säkert och smidigt kan låsa upp bilen med din iPhone eller Apple Watch via NFC. Precis som med kontaktlösa betalningar via Apple Pay så kommer en digital bilnyckel finnas i appen Wallet. Denna information fick vi i iOS 13.4-betan och nu i iOS 13.6-betan hittas Apples integritetspolicy för tjänsten. Hela policyn har ni nedan:

"Wallet allows you to add and share car keys for certain vehicles. You may add a car key by signing in to your vehicle manufacturer's app or entering a pairing code in Wallet to claim the vehicle as your own and to pair your device with your vehicle. If successful, your device sends Apple a one-time owner redemption token. Apple uses the redemption token, information about your Apple account and your device, and your location at the time of provisioning (if Location Services is enabled) for fraud prevention purposes.

To set up your car key, Apple shares a unique device identifier with your vehicle manufacturer. This device identifier is different for each vehicle manufacturer to help protect your privacy. Your vehicle manufacturer may connect this device identifier with other information it has about you and will process information it has about you according to its privacy policy.

You may share car keys by tapping Invite on the back of your car key pass, selecting the access type that you would like to grant, and sharing the car key pass using iMessage. To help set up and manage car key passes, Apple forwards to the vehicle manufacturer information about with whom a pass is shared and what level of access was granted. Apple also shares a unique device identifier for the pass recipient with the vehicle manufacturer to enable them to manage your pass. For pass recipients, just as with owners, the vehicle manufacturer may connect the device identifier with other information it may have about the recipient and process such information according to its privacy policy.

Apple does not collect or retain information on vehicle usage, such as when you use your car key pass to lock or unlock the vehicle. Your vehicle manufacturer may collect vehicle usage information according to agreements you have with them. We encourage you to review your vehicle manufacturer's privacy policy for more information."

Eftersom Apple redan har bakat in integritetspolicyn i iOS 13.6 så är chansen stor att funktion inom kort kommer att lanseras. Vill ni läsa mer om hur CarKey kommer att fungera så kan ni spana in vår artikel på ämnet här.

Via MacRumors

Skriven av Marcus Attefors
1 svar

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