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Installera Ucon64, hur?

Tråden skapades och har fått 1 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Jo, ska installera detta program men fattar inte hur man gör!

Jag är verkligen helt körd på terminalen och det verkar som man skall göra det med den, så om någon skulle vilja hjälpa mig vore det snällt.

Så här står det i faq:en:


Unix (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris), BeOS & Mac OS X
Start a command line shell like Bash. Then extract the binary package. To extract or unpack a package in .tar.gz format use a command line like this:
tar xvzf ucon64-1.9.8-1-linux-bin.tar.gz
Old versions of tar might not support the option z. In that case use a command line like:
gunzip -c ucon64-1.9.8-1-linux-bin.tar.gz | tar xvf -
To unzip a .zip file use a command line like this:
You should replace the file name with the name of the file you downloaded for your operating system. Unpacking or extracting a package does not have to be done on the command line. You could also use a program with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) like KDE's ark or a similar program.
After you have extracted the package install uCON64 by running the install script. On Unix, if you do not have root access, copy the uCON64 executable to a directory in your PATH. If you do have root access (i.e., know the root password), run the shell script On BeOS just run the script For Unix do something like this:
cd ucon64-1.9.8-1-linux-bin
By default will try to copy ucon64 to /usr/local/bin. You can specify another directory by setting the environment variable DESTDIR. On Mac OS X programs are usually installed in the directory /usr/bin. Users of that OS might want to install uCON64 with a command like:
DESTDIR=/usr/bin ./

For copier I/O BeOS users will need Caz's driver inside or available at You only need this driver if you will use uCON64 for communication with a backup unit. After you have decided whether to download continue on BeOS with:
cd ucon64-1.9.8-1-beos-bin
After the last command a dialog window will come up. Simply follow the instructions.


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