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iPod konkurent? eller nu får det ske nåt Apple!

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  • Medlem
  • 2003-12-29 01:10

Om Apple gör en så blir den mycket bä!

Put a "Virtual VCR" and Hours of Entertainment in Your Pocket!
The palm-sized 20GB Lyra Audio/Video Jukebox is a world full of entertainment at one's fingertips - enabling movie and music buffs to easily transport hours worth of their favorite content in their coat pocket. The device is about the size of a small picture frame and features a large LCD Screen, the Lyra A/V also acts as a computer storage device, is compatible with multiple audio and video codecs, and can be easily connected to most standard television sets for analog playback. Enjoy up to 80 hours of pre-recorded television shows, feature films or home videos directly on the LCD screen. Easily connect the device to a television set via an analog composite video output. With the built-in, separate audio and video recording modes, recording on the device is quick and easy. The display screen can also be used to organize digital audio music files or other types of stored data, including computer files such as word processing documents and presentations. The Lyra A/V Jukebox can also be a portable pocket photo album, since JPEG images can be viewed by either transferring them directly from the PC using a USB 2.0 High Speed connection or by inserting a compact flash memory card. Keep all of your entertainment at your fingertips with this Lyra A/V Jukebox!
Product Features:
Lyra Audio/Video Jukebox - 20 GB Hard Disk Drive

MPEG-4/MPEG-1/JPEG/mp3/mp3PRO/WMA Playback

High Speed USB 2.0 Connection

Composite Video Output and Bypass Mode

Audio and Video Recording Mode

Compact Flash (Type 1) Slot

Full Accessory Kit Included

Product Dimensions:3.13" H x 5.37" W x .95" D
Weight: 0.80 Lbs.

"nja" :-/

  • Medlem
  • Torsby
  • 2003-12-30 13:20

Måste alla s.k. "iPod-killers" se ut som om de var gjorda nån gång på 80-talet? Se på Creatives Zen-vad-den-nu-heter...

hmm vill ha

Bevaka tråden