Läste på versiontracker vad som är nytt i EyeTV 2.5
och där står det att iPhone kommer den 9:e November?!
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New features for viewing on the Mac, the iPhone, and iPod touch. With Wi-Fi Access, recorded television shows can be accessed for playback from an iPhone and iPod touch in a local Wi-Fi network. Many EyeTV users have requested the ability to record content that has been temporarily stored via timeshifting. To create a new recording after watching a live television show for a while, simply navigate to the beginning of the show, and click the record button. iPhone has arrived in the USA, and will land in Europe starting November 9. EyeTV 2.5 offers a one-click button for easy export of recordings for Apple's mobile telephone as well as iPod touch. In France, EyeTV 2.5 supports IPTV for Freebox.