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Setting your TCP/IP Parameters
To connect automatically with Telenordia ADSL RA, use the "Telenordia ADSLDefault" configuration.
To establish a connection using Telenordia ADSL Classic, your TCP/IP parameters must be properly set. The most efficient way to configure TCP/IP for use by the application is to create a TCP/IP Configuration for Telenordia ADSL. To create a TCP/IP Configuration:
1. Open the TCP/IP Control Panel by selecting "TCP/IP" from the application´s "Protocol" menu, or by selecting "Open TCP/IP control panel" from the Control Strip module.
2. From the "File" menu, select "Configurations." The "Configurations" window will appear.
3. Select any Configuration from the list of Configurations and click "Duplicate." The "Duplicate Configuration" window will appear.
4. Enter "Telenordia ADSL " in the "Duplicate as:" field then click "OK." The "Duplicate Configuration" window will close and the "Configurations" window will be present.
5. Click "Make Active." The "Configurations" window will close and the TCP/IP Control Panel will be present.
6. Select "Telenordia ADSL Classic" in the "Connect via:" drop-down menu.
7. Select "Using PPP Server" in the "Configure" drop-down menu.
8. If there are no values present in the "Name server addr:" box, place the cursor in the upper-left corner of the box and enter the value "" (do not include the quotes). This value will be replaced automatically when a connection is established, but Open Transport requires that a value be present at this time.
9. Select "Quit" from the "File" menu. A dialogue box will appear asking if you want to save your changes. Click "OK.