Nej, utan jag har valt själva mbox-mappen. Men jag har hittat en lösning som fungerar, men som dock är lite krånglig på följande sida som JohanB har rekommenderat för länge sedan: "emlx till mbox-konverterare" Om du måste konvertera emlx-filer (alla mail i Tiger sparas i det formatet) till mbox-filer (som Mail förut använde sig av innan Tiger), kan jag tipsa om detta program: Innehållet på sidan lyder: "emlx to mbox Converter
In Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger", the default message format for Mail messages changed from the Apple custom mbox-package format to the new emlx format (where messages are stored in individual files for Spotlight indexing). However, if you need to recover from a hard drive crash, it's almost impossible to recover your mail messages easily since Mail won't import emlx files and you can't add them to your mailboxes any other way.
This tool will convert your individual emlx mail files (found in ~/Library/Mail/) to the old mbox format, used by almost every UNIX/Linux mail client and recognized by many more.
With this tool, you could convert some individual emlx files to mbox and then import the mbox file using Mail for Mac OS X or almost any other mail client.
To use the tool, drag your emlx files into the main window. Click the "Save mbox..." button and a prompt will appear, allowing you to save an mbox file.
Version 1.0.3 improves performance and now supports "partial" emlx files.
Download the tool for Mac OS X or for Windows.
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