Läst lite på Apples Diskussionsforum
"Had same problem when first upgraded to 10.5 - simple fix - zapped the PRAM - hold down option+apple+P+R keys when booting up, wait till second bootup tone sounds then release keys. When bootup finished all the icons were fixed and quickview and coverflow worked fine for all files except the very old .pdf, word, excel files and recent adobe illustrator and photoshop files."
Kan det funka, kostar m,kt lite tid att prova.
Alternativ 2)
"Try removing the "com.apple.Finder.plist" file located in the /hemmamappen/Library/Preferences/ folder, and then restart the computer. "
(Eventuella inställningar man gjort för Finder går åt pipan...men det fixas på en minut)