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Alla kontakter synkas inte...

Tråden skapades och har fått 2 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Har en iPhone och en MacBook och försöker synka med iTunes. Har i adressboken fyllt i en del kontakter och telefonnummer manuellt men av någon anledning synkas inte alla över till telefonen när jag synkar. 76 stycken kontakter finns i datorns adressbok men bara 58 i iPhonen.

Har även testat den "avancerade" inställningen (under Info-fliken i iTunes) där man väljer att ersätta informationen på iPhonen med med i datorn men det hjälper inte heller.

Noterar dock att en kontakt som jag lagt in via telefonen synkats över till datorn...

Nån som vet vad som kan vara fel?

  • Medlem
  • Värmdö
  • 2009-05-30 19:50

Har du kollat om alla kontakter kommit till "molnet". Om inte kan du behöva under avancerat återställa synkroniseringsdata (på din mac) och välja att skicka allt till "molnet" igen.

Jag hade ett problem som inte gick att lösa så jag gjorde som det stog nedan och hela filen på mobilme togs bort innan jag började om.

If you are unable to synchronize your data successfully with MobileMe in Mac OS X version v10.5 or Mac OS X v10.4, you may need to reset sync data on MobileMe and on all of the computers with which you are syncing.

First, it's important to back up any data that you wish to keep (this very important to insure you do not loose data). For more information, please see:

How to back up and restore your important Mac OS X 10.4 files (applies to 10.5 too)

Mac OS X 10.5: When to use Time Machine or MobileMe Backup to back up data

Before proceeding, you may find it helpful to print this email and the above articles so that you can consult them during this process.

Next, using a computer that has Mac OS X v10.5 or later, unregister the other computers, including any Mac OS X v10.4 computers you may be using. (To find out which version of Mac OS X is installed, choose About This Mac from the Apple menu.)

Here's how to unregister the other computers from the computer that has Mac OS X v10.5 or later:

1) Open System Preferences and click MobileMe. If your System Preferences shows .Mac instead of MobileMe, you can click that - they will function the same.
2) Click Sync, then click the Advanced... button.
3) Click once on one of the computers in the list and click Unregister. Follow the onscreen instructions to unregister the computer. Repeat this step until all registered computers are removed from the list.
4) When the last computer has been unregistered, you will be asked "Would you like to delete unused sync info from MobileMe?" Select the boxes next to each of the data types listed and click Delete.
5) Restart the computer.

After unregistering the other computers, sync your data from the computer that has the most up-to-date information.

To add a computer with Mac OS X v10.5 or later to the MobileMe sync list:

1) Open that computer's System Preferences and click MobileMe. If your System Preferences shows .Mac instead of MobileMe, you can click that - they will function the same.
2) Click the Sync tab.
3) Select "Synchronize with MobileMe."
4) Select the data types you wish to sync. Click Sync Now.
5) If you are asked, "What would you like to do for this first sync?", select "Merge" and click Sync. You may have to do this for each data type that you are syncing.

After you have performed the initial sync, you should try syncing again. If you do not receive any errors, you can add additional computers to the MobileMe sync list by following these steps on each of the computers:

1) Open that computer's System Preferences and click MobileMe. If your System Preferences shows .Mac instead of MobileMe, you can click that - they will function the same.
2) Click the Sync tab.
3) Select "Synchronize with MobileMe."
4) Select the data types you wish to sync. Click Sync Now.
5) If you are asked, "What would you like to do for this first sync?", select "Replace data on this computer" and click Sync. You may have to do this for each data type that you are syncing. This will replace the data on the computer with the data that has been synced to MobileMe.

I recommend that you add the computers one at a time, confirming each time that syncing is working correctly. To confirm that syncing is working, make a change in one of the data types you are syncing, then perform a sync from the first computer. When that syncing is finished, perform a sync on the second. If syncing is successful, add a third computer, and so on.

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