Q: How do I use Logic Audio at the same time with the Modular Editor on my PC?
A: The Modular Editor requires its own MIDI port exclusively for the communication with the synthesizer. Logic automatically claims every available MIDI port in your PC when you start the program. However, there is a way to make MIDI ports "invisible" for Logic: In the WIN.INI file in the WINDOWS folder there is a [logic] section that, amongst other things, lists all your active MIDI ports. Open the WIN.INI file in WordPad, scroll down to the [logic] section and set the MIDI port your Modular should use for communication with the PC to '0' instead of '1', Save the WIN.INI file and reboot your PC. When you start Logic the next time, the MIDI port you set to '0' will not be claimed, and you can use the Modular Editor on this port at the same time with Logic.