Det verkar som att iPhoto '11 har tagit bort den möjligheten, istället hanterar den all epost internt i programmet och så anger man bara sina epost-uppgifter i inställningarna för iPhoto. Detta har sina fördelar (bättre integration med iPhoto) och nackdelar (för den som vill ha den gamla metoden).
Jag googlade lite i frågan och hittade en del om detta på Apples forum. Kolla speciellt in detta inlägg från Terence Devlin som har en lång förklaring till det och ett förslag till alternativ lösning med Automator.
Devlin förklarar det såhär:
iPhoto 11 no longer uses an application for sending emails. It creates the emails and sends them itself when you supply your account details.
So, no, you can't set Outlook (or anything else) as a default Email client in 11.
FYI: iPhoto 11 works with email in a new way. Rather than using an Application to send the email as before, what they have done is handle the email within iPhoto. So, you input your Email Account details - the name of your service, the account name, password, etc, and iPhoto uses that information to send the email via your account.
Sen tar han upp för- och nackdelar:
There's an element of swings and roundabouts in this.
Users of Apps like Thunderbird or Postbox could not email from within iPhoto in the past as those apps are not scriptable. Neither could it be used by people who use Web Mail and access their mail via a web browser. By going this way these people users have the same service as Mail/Entourage/Eudora users have.
So much for the swings: on the roundabouts, however, users of Mail (and I suspect Entourage and Eudora) have a change. Share -> Email does not work as before and you can no longer select pics within iPhoto, resize them and pass them over to their preferred application. Neither can you send photos without a Template.