Grr. Går inte att konvertera VM från Fusion, får bara "Error 41300: Failed to convert the virtual machine". Enligt Parallels knowledge base ska man kolla följande:
- Make sure VMware Fusion virtual machine is not encrypted
- Try to Split and then "Unsplit" the VMware Fusion virtual machine hard disk in virtual machine settings before converting it to a Parallels Desktop virtual machine
- The VMware virtual machine file name may contain unsupported symbols like '/', '*','&' or different - rename the virtual machine and try to convert it again.
- Make sure your Virtual Machine is hard disk errors free: Run chkdsk (checkdisk) utility in your Windows virtual machine to fix possible hard disk issues and try to convert it again.
- Make sure your Mac has enough hard disk space: Make sure that there is at least twice more free space on your destination hard disk than the source virtual machine's size.
- Restart Parallels Desktop and try to restart the conversion.
Gjort allt detta, fortfarande error 41300 mitt i konverteringen. Någon som har någon bra idé, eller ska jag ge mig in i supporten?