Istället för en ruta man kryssar i så ska det vara lite krångligare nuförtiden
File-Print- Then on the third drop-down where it may say 'Copies & Pages" or 'Microsoft Word', click that drop-down and select 'Layout'. On the bottom drop-down of the new menu, it will say 'Two-Sided' and 'Off' will be selected. Click on that and select 'Long Edge Binding'. The next Word document you print will be duplex printed.
1. Go over to an application where the duplex or two-sided checkbox is available. Safari works.
2. Print some web page. It can even be this one. We just need to get the print dialog to come up. You won't actually print.
3. Turn on duplex/two-sided. Get the rest of your settings just the way you like them.
4. Inside the print dialog, from the "Presets" menu, save your setting as "My Duplex".
5. Go back to Word and print. When you want "My Duplex", just select it from the presets menu.