Tja, ett svar på Officefilen är:
"You refer to this as a "problem" but give no indication of what the problem is
Recovered Files folders are a normal function of the operating system. For a little more information please see this Apple KB. Typically you need do nothing more than empty the Trash.
BTW: The "solution" you're referring to disables the Microsoft Error Reporting Program [MERP] which prevents collection of data pertaining to problems with the Microsoft software, such as those which cause crashes & hangs. Even though some look at doing so as a solution it's a solution to a problem which isn't a problem - kinda like fixing a soiled fingernail by cutting off the finger :-)"
Vad gäller AppRuntime-mxt verkar det ha att göra med temporära systemfiler, men i övrigt förstår jag inte de "förklaringar" som ges.