Har för mig att jjag läst någonstans om ett program som avgör om man behöver mer minne eller ej, beroende på ens användarvanor. hette nåt i stil med " do you need more memory", känner någon igen det?
Sluta leta. Sätt i 512 till. Större minne (1024) är för dyrt för att det ska vara intressant.
Kolla detta från VersionTarcker:
Product (Do I Need More Memory?) does not meet its criteria of purpose.. Xapplimatic (Xapplimatic Xoftware)
Version: 1.0b2, 10/7/2003 07:02PM PST
Reading another users comment, DINMM tells him with 256 K that he needs 4 MB more RAM when he's running tons of applications made me suspicious, and it put me on to something. It tells me with 512 MB of RAM running 10.2.8 jaguar that I need 9 more MB of RAM. I gave the author a week to answer for the deficiencies i n hit program in a very detailed bug report I wrote, but since I'm not paying for his ear, it obviously went straight into the circle file, so now I will read him the riot act.
Edit: Missade klistra in