Ja, när jag skrev mitt första inlägg om nya PM G5 imorgon (idag) så fanns det bara som ett "Page 2"-rykte, men jag hade på känn att det var sant. Nu har det alltså kommit mycket mera bekräftelser, som Nicklas nämner.
Här kan ni läsa mer (med några intressanta utdrag):
Think Secret: Apple to announce Power Mac G5 speed bumps
A reliable source in Apple corporate said that the new models will have a top speed of 2.6GHz, significantly faster than the current models, which Apple announced and began shipping in summer 2003.
The source said that the company's plans call for an announcement of the long-awaited G5 refresh tomorrow, on Tuesday, June 8, but stressed that announcement dates for speed bumps can be subject to change.
Apple will continue to sell the current G5 models at a discount to clear existing inventory; the cut prices will reportedly be $1,599 for the 1.6GHz G5, $2,199 for the Dual-1.8GHz, and $2,499 for the Dual-2GHz model.
AppleInsider: Apple to refresh Power Mac G5 product-line this week
After months of delay, multiple sources are now reporting that Apple plans to update its Power Mac G5 product line as early as tomorrow.
"G5 backorders have gone one step further," one source said. "Apple has actually stopped reseller orders on the models." Resellers attempting to place orders for the current Power Mac G5 offerings are being put on a waiting list and told to expect more information "later this week."
A second sources states that certain resellers have been told by their regional Apple representative to expected refreshes to the Power Mac G5 line on Tuesday, June 8th.
Previous rumors indicate that Apple plans to introduce dual 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6 GHz configurations of the new Power Mac G5s, though AppleInsider is currently unable to positively confirm these plans.
Mac Rumors: 2.6GHz PowerMacs Tomorrow?
Update: Some Apple Stores reportedly already have boxes of new products labeled for the 8th.