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OSX 10.1.5 Doesn't Shutdown or Restart

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  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2002-06-14 23:34

S X 10.1.5 Doesn´t Shutdown or Restart

I´m using OS X 10.1.5 on a G4 800 with gigabit ethernet.

Recently when I attempt to shutdown/reboot the system does the usual quit applications and goes to the blue screen with spinning cursor. Instead of the screen blanking out it just hangs in the spinning cursor mode.

Only way to get out of this is to either press the power button or manual restart on the CPU.

Interesting note is the system will shutdown/restart normally if I don´t open any applications before doing the shutdown/restart.

If anyone has some ideas on how to remedy this I would appreciate it.


Sounds like a problem I have sometimes too.
If the computer has not been restarted in a couple of days it can behave really weird.
It usually works if I quit all the applications before I choose the restart command.

I do believe that it has something to do with the network. In the recent upgrade a network issue was left unsolved. If you put the computer to sleep, it will have network problems when you awake it on some computers. My guess is that it is exactly this that you are having problem with.

Find the "" file that resides in:

Just throw that one away.

Good luck.

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2002-06-16 19:35

Thanks. It works!
i got the same advice from

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