Och för att svara på frågan "Vad betyder t (the sticky bit)?":
When the sticky bit (t) is turned on for a directory users can have read and/or write permissions for that directory, but they can only remove or rename files that they own. The sticky bit on a file tells the operating system that the file will be executed frequently. Files like this are kept in swap space even when they aren't being executed. Although this takes up swap space it greatly reduces the time it takes to execute the program. Some programs such as vi have the sticky bit turned on by default on some Unixes.
Ovanstående stulet från http://www.uwsg.iu.edu/UAU/files/sticky.html
Edit: oops, bortse från avsnittet om filer ovan. Hittade just kommentaren "On modern Unix systems, the sticky bit is no longer used for files, only on directories."