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I had the same error after installing a recent security update on Tiger as well. After poking around with Google, I came up with the following post on another board:
Setting Passwords In Keychain Manually
Pekka Nikander
Tiger stores your Airport (WLAN) WEP keys (and apparently some other info) to /Library/Keychains/System.keychain, which is also available through Keychain Access. However, apparently that keychain has a system generated random password by default. If you try to access the actual passwords in the System keychain through Keychain Access, it will ask for the random password that, of course, is impossible to enter.
Now, if you want to set a keychain password for the System keychain, the only way seems to be through the command line. I happened to had only one stored password in the System keychain, so I was able to skip exporting the keys (on command line) and then importing them; I don't even know if that is possible if you don't know the keychain password.
So, what you can do, and what I did, is to create a new System keychain with a password that you *do* know. These are the instructions to do so. Please note that when you follow these instructions, any passwords in your System keychain, if any, will be lost.
Start terminal
Give the following commands:
sudo mv /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /Library/Keychains/
sudo systemkeychain -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain -C
where "password" is the new keychain password that you want to give to the System keychain
Reboot the system
To test that you have managed to do that right, do something to create a new entry to the System keychain (e.g. join a WAP-protected WLAN), launch Keychain Access, select System keychain, double click the entry in the System keychain to open the info window, and select "Show password". You will be asked for the System keychain password, and if you managed to set it right, you can now grant access to show the password in the entry.
I tried this and it worked for me. After I rebooted, it gave me a normal dialog box asking if I wanted to grant keychain access to the airport.
Good luck!