Uppgraderade min iBook smärtfritt. Jag blev väldigt glad när jag läste "Stöd för maskinvaruaccelerering för 2D och QuickTime för Rage Pro." eftersom det betyder ett klart lyft för oss som sitter med just Rage Pro-grafikkretsar. Min första uppfattning är att det mycket riktigt är snabbare också, men det är väldigt subjektivt. Men MOSR har testat också:
Among other highlights, 10.1.5 includes hardware accelerated drivers for 2D and QuickTime functions on ATi Rage Pro hardware, a long dreamed-for improvement but lacking the 3D acceleration users were also hoping for. Regardless, this update will bring major changes to users of the original iBooks, iMacs, Beige PowerMac G3s, Powerbook G3 Wallstreets, and PBG3 Lombards. Hardware accelerated 2D and QuickTime alone are vital features that will enable virtually all of the everyday needs of users owning these systems.
In reality, modern applications requiring hardware 3D acceleration demand far in excess of what any 64-bit ATi product ever attained. Even the most basic and common of modern 3D games, Quake III, requires at least a 16MB Rage 128 PCI for any meaningful gameplay. Today´s performance leaders, the ATi RADEON 8500 and nVIDIA GeForce 4 Titanium, put out tens of times more memory bandwidth and textured pixels per second than anything Mac OS X doesn´t bother to support. So while there are compromises that will inevitably rub some users of older systems the wrong way, in reality what we´ve received so far is a pretty good package.
And 10.1.5 really shows that...on an original tangerine iBook with a 300MHz G3 processor, 96MB of memory, and an ATi Rage Mobility 4MB graphics accelerator on a 2X AGP bus, the performance difference was dramatic. Even common tasks like startup were clearly faster by a few seconds, and high-demand functions like full-screen video at 800x600 were a world apart from just fifteen minutes before, running system 10.1.4.
Kudos, Apple, you plugged one of the most glaring holes in the OS X battleship. Now knock ´em dead with the economical eMac, and some really powerful new desktops this summer.