- Goldbeach
- Medlem ●
- Stockholm
I din javascriptfil (Articles.js) på rad 527 finns exempel på tecken som scriptet ska leta efter och skriva ut. Å, ä och ö finns inte med.
Gör en backupkopia av skriptet, ändra sedan raden till t.ex.:
if( prev.search(/[\s‚Åå,Ää,Öö, Äì‚Äî‚Ķ‚Äú‚Äù‚Äò‚Äô¬ø¬°]/) == 0 )
Tror det ska funka.
Nädå. Jag kollade feeden i Safari: feed://fendern.se/segla/ssi.php?a=out&f=59,15... som skickar ut den som html.
Direkt efter <body> så finns en länk till scriptet:
<script language=JavaScript src="feed:///__rsrc__/Articles.js"></script>
Skriver du in länken "feed:///__rsrc__/Articles.js" i Safaris adressfönster, så laddas skriptet ner. Sen är det bara att göra ett sök efter "char"...
Det scriptet är en del av Safaris lokala RSS-presentation och inget som man kan ändra från websiten. Jag öppnade rss-feeden som ren xml i Firexfox, och tecknen är konstiga även där.
Där fick man för att man tyckte man gjort nåt märkvärdigt.
Problemet kvarstår tyvärr.
En snabb bakgrund; jag laddade upp det hela för länge sen, och har ett svagt minne av att det var någon mer fil som låg med i 'paketet'. Så, kan man bara lokalisera den kanske man kan lösa det hela tämligen enkelt?
Så här ser ssi.php-filen ut (Alltså den man hämtar här):
<?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | IBFORUMS v1 | ======================================== | by Matthew Mecham and David Baxter | (c) 2001,2002 IBForums | http://www.ibforums.com | ======================================== | Web: http://www.ibforums.com | Email: [email protected] | Licence Info: [email protected] +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | > SSI script | > Script written by Matt Mecham | > Date started: 29th April 2002 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* USAGE: ------ Simply call this script via PHP includes, or SSI .shtml tags to generate content on the fly, streamed into your own webpage. To show the last 10 topics and posts in the news forums... include("http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=news&show=..."); You can adjust the "show" attribute to display a different amount of topics. To show the board statistics include("http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=stats"); To show the active users stats (x Members, X Guests, etc) include("http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=active"); Syndication.. RSS: http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=out&f=1,2,... http://domain.com/forums/ssi.php?a=out&f=1,2,... Will show last 10 topics in reverse chronological last post date order from all the forums in the comma separated list */ //----------------------------------------------- // USER CONFIGURABLE ELEMENTS //----------------------------------------------- // Root path $root_path = "./"; $templates_dir = "./ssi_templates"; $max_show = 500; // Maximum number of topics possible to show... $allow_syndication = 1; // To turn off, use $allow_syndication = 0; //----------------------------------------------- // NO USER EDITABLE SECTIONS BELOW //----------------------------------------------- error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); class info { var $input = array(); var $base_url = ""; var $vars = ""; function info() { global $sess, $std, $DB, $root_path, $INFO; $this->vars = &$INFO; } } //-------------------------------- // Import $INFO, now! //-------------------------------- require $root_path."conf_global.php"; //-------------------------------- // Require our global functions //-------------------------------- require $root_path."sources/functions.php"; $std = new FUNC; //-------------------------------- // Load the DB driver and such //-------------------------------- $INFO['sql_driver'] = !$INFO['sql_driver'] ? 'mySQL' : $INFO['sql_driver']; $to_require = $root_path."sources/Drivers/".$INFO['sql_driver'].".php"; require ($to_require); $DB = new db_driver; $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $INFO['sql_database']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $INFO['sql_user']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $INFO['sql_pass']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $INFO['sql_host']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']; // Get a DB connection $DB->connect(); //-------------------------------- // Wrap it all up in a nice easy to // transport super class //-------------------------------- $ibforums = new info(); //-------------------------------- // Set up our vars //-------------------------------- $ibforums->input = $std->parse_incoming(); $ibforums->base_url = $ibforums->vars['board_url'].'/index.'.$ibforums->vars['php_ext']; //-------------------------------- // What to do? //-------------------------------- switch ($ibforums->input['a']) { case 'news': do_news(); break; case 'active': do_active(); break; case 'stats': do_stats(); break; case 'out': if ( $allow_syndication == 1 ) { do_syndication(); } else { exit(); } break; default: echo("An error occured whilst processing this directive"); exit(); break; } //+------------------------------------------------- // SYNDICATION! //+------------------------------------------------- function do_syndication() { global $DB, $ibforums, $root_path, $templates_dir, $std, $max_show; //---------------------------------------- // Sort out the forum ids //---------------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->input['f'] ) { $forums = explode( ",", $ibforums->input['f'] ); } else { fatal_error("Fatal error: no forum id specified"); } if ( count($forums) < 1 ) { fatal_error("Fatal error: no forum id specified"); } $sql_fields = implode( ",", $forums ); //---------------------------------------- // Number of topics to return? //---------------------------------------- $perpage = intval($ibforums->input['show']) ? intval($ibforums->input['show']) : 10; $perpage = ( $perpage > $max_show ) ? $max_show : $perpage; //---------------------------------------- // Load the template... //---------------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->input['type'] == 'xml' ) { $template = load_template("syndicate_xml.html"); } else { $template = load_template("syndicate_rss.html"); } //---------------------------------------- // parse.. //---------------------------------------- $to_echo = ""; $top = ""; $row = ""; $bottom = ""; preg_match( "#\[TOP\](.+?)\[/TOP\]#is", $template, $match ); $top = trim($match[1]); preg_match( "#\[ROW\](.+?)\[/ROW\]#is", $template, $match ); $row = trim($match[1]); preg_match( "#\[BOTTOM\](.+?)\[/BOTTOM\]#is", $template, $match ); $bottom = trim($match[1]); //---------------------------------------- // Header parse... //---------------------------------------- @header('Content-Type: text/xml'); @header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); @header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); @header('Pragma: public'); $to_echo .= parse_template( $top, array ( 'board_url' => $ibforums->base_url , 'board_name' => $ibforums->vars['board_name'], ) ); $DB->query("SELECT g_id, g_perm_id FROM ibf_groups WHERE g_id={$ibforums->vars['guest_group']}"); $group = $DB->fetch_row(); $ibforums->perm_id_array = explode( ",", $group['g_perm_id'] ); //---------------------------------------- // Get the topics, member info and other stuff //---------------------------------------- $DB->query("SELECT t.*, f.name as forum_name, f.read_perms FROM ibf_topics t LEFT JOIN ibf_forums f ON ( f.id=t.forum_id ) WHERE t.forum_id IN ($sql_fields) AND t.approved=1 ORDER BY t.last_post DESC LIMIT 0, $perpage"); if ( ! $DB->get_num_rows() ) { fatal_error("Could not get the information from the database"); } while ( $i = $DB->fetch_row() ) { if ( $std->check_perms( $i['read_perms'] ) != TRUE ) { continue; } $to_echo .= parse_template( $row, array ( 'topic_title' => $i['title'], 'topic_id' => $i['tid'], 'topic_link' => $ibforums->base_url."?showtopic=".$i['tid'], 'forum_title' => htmlspecialchars($i['forum_name']), 'forum_id' => $i['forum_id'], 'last_poster_id' => $i['last_poster_id'], 'last_post_name' => $i['last_poster_name'], 'last_post_time' => $std->get_date( $i['last_post'] , 'LONG' ), 'timestamp' => $i['last_post'], 'starter_id' => $i['starter_id'], 'starter_name' => $i['starter_name'], 'board_url' => $ibforums->base_url , 'board_name' => $ibforums->vars['board_name'], 'rfc_date' => date( 'r', $i['last_post'] ), ) ) . "\r\n"; } echo $to_echo."\r\n".$bottom; exit(); } //+------------------------------------------------- // Import the stats! WOOHOO //+------------------------------------------------- function do_stats() { global $DB, $ibforums, $root_path, $templates_dir, $std; // Load the template... $template = load_template("stats.html"); $to_echo = ""; // Get the topics, member info and other stuff $time = time() - 900; $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_stats"); $stats = $DB->fetch_row(); $total_posts = $stats['TOTAL_REPLIES']+$stats['TOTAL_TOPICS']; $to_echo = parse_template( $template, array ( 'total_posts' => $total_posts, 'topics' => $stats['TOTAL_TOPICS'], 'replies' => $stats['TOTAL_REPLIES'], 'members' => $stats['MEM_COUNT'] ) ); echo $to_echo; exit(); } function do_news() { global $DB, $ibforums, $root_path, $templates_dir, $std, $max_show; if ( (! $ibforums->vars['news_forum_id']) or ($ibforums->vars['news_forum_id'] == "" ) ) { fatal_error("No news forum assigned"); } require $root_path."sources/lib/post_parser.php"; $parser = new post_parser(); $perpage = intval($ibforums->input['show']) > 0 ? intval($ibforums->input['show']) : 10; $perpage = ( $perpage > $max_show ) ? $max_show : $perpage; // Load the template... $template = load_template("news.html"); $to_echo = ""; // Get the topics, member info and other stuff $DB->query("SELECT m.name as member_name, m.id as member_id,m.title as member_title, m.avatar, m.avatar_size, m.posts, t.*, p.* FROM ibf_members m, ibf_posts p, ibf_topics t WHERE t.forum_id={$ibforums->vars['news_forum_id']} AND p.topic_id=t.tid AND p.new_topic=1 AND m.id=t.starter_id AND t.approved=1 ORDER BY t.tid DESC LIMIT 0, $perpage"); if ( ! $DB->get_num_rows() ) { fatal_error("Could not get the information from the database"); } while ( $row = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $to_echo .= parse_template( $template, array ( 'profile_link' => $ibforums->base_url."?act=Profile&CODE=03&MID=".$row['member_id'], 'member_name' => $row['member_name'], 'post_date' => $std->get_date( $row['start_date'], 'LONG' ), 'topic_title' => $row['title'], 'post' => $parser->post_db_parse($row['post'], 1 ), 'comments' => $row['posts'], 'view_all_link' => $ibforums->base_url."?act=ST&f={$row['forum_id']}&t={$row['tid']}" ) ); } echo $to_echo; exit(); } function do_active() { global $DB, $ibforums, $root_path, $templates_dir, $std; // Load the template... $template = load_template("active.html"); $to_echo = ""; // Get the topics, member info and other stuff $time = time() - 900; $DB->query("SELECT s.member_id, s.member_name, s.login_type, g.suffix, g.prefix FROM ibf_sessions s, ibf_groups g WHERE running_time > '$time' AND g.g_id=s.member_group ORDER BY running_time DESC"); // cache all printed members so we don't double print them $cached = array(); $active = array(); while ($result = $DB->fetch_row() ) { if ($result['member_id'] == 0) { $active['GUESTS']++; } else { if (empty( $cached[ $result['member_id'] ] ) ) { $cached[ $result['member_id'] ] = 1; if ($result['login_type'] == 1) { $active['ANON']++; } else { $active['MEMBERS']++; } } } } $active['TOTAL'] = $active['MEMBERS'] + $active['GUESTS'] + $active['ANON']; $to_echo = parse_template( $template, array ( 'total' => $active['TOTAL'] ? $active['TOTAL'] : 0 , 'members' => $active['MEMBERS'] ? $active['MEMBERS'] : 0, 'guests' => $active['GUESTS'] ? $active['GUESTS'] : 0, 'anon' => $active['ANON'] ? $active['ANON'] : 0, ) ); echo $to_echo; exit(); } //+------------------------------------------------- // GLOBAL ROUTINES //+------------------------------------------------- function parse_template( $template, $assigned=array() ) { foreach( $assigned as $word => $replace) { $template = preg_replace( "/\{$word\}/i", "$replace", $template ); } return $template; } function load_template($template="") { global $templates_dir; $filename = $templates_dir."/".$template; if ( file_exists($filename) ) { if ( $FH = fopen($filename, 'r') ) { $template = fread( $FH, filesize($filename) ); fclose($FH); } else { fatal_error("Couldn't open the template file"); } } else { fatal_error("Template file does not exist"); } return $template; } function fatal_error($message="") { echo("An error occured whilst processing this directive"); if ($message) { echo("<br>$message"); } exit(); } ?>
Vad jag kan förstå pekar den till en annan fil, i ssi_templates directoryt. Antingen syndicate_rss.html eller syndicate_xml.html. Kan det stämma..?
Kan ovanstående vara till hjälp för att försöka lösa mitt ÅÄÖ-problem?
Nu verkar svenska tecken funka i Safari. Jag ändrade till iso-8859-1, men då:
1. försvann faviconen jag hade innan.
2. försvann "RSS"knappen i högerkanten på Safaris adressfält, som man kunde klicka på för att visa sidan som vanlig webbsida.
Kampen fortsätter.
Nu funkar ingenting för mig, får inte ens upp den i safari. (Får du verkligen det?) Jag kan se flera anledningar:
1. Du har en <meta>-tagg först på sidan. Dels finns någon sådan inte i RSS, dels får ingenting finnas före <?xml>staggen. Korrekt sätt att ange encoding är att som första rad ha
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2. Sidans typ är numera text/html, den borde vara 'text/xml' eller 'application/rss+xml'.
"Återlänken" till vanliga sidan styrs av <link>-elementet. Det ser ju riktigt ut, så jag gissar att det hänger ihop med punkterna ovan.