Hittade detta på MacAddict:
Now your TiBook can do the job, too. When editing in DV or Apple´s new OfflineRT video codec, all you need for real-time editing is a 500MHz G4. On our base-level G4/500 with 512MB of RAM, we found that FCP 3 could indeed handle single layers of supported transitions and motions in real time. Two layers worked occasionally; three layers never did. Apple says the number of possible simultaneous real-time effects depends primarily on your G4´s speed, and that a dual-processor Mac has significant advantages over most single-processor machines. Keep in mind that real time is only for desktop previewing (which is where you´ll make all the editing decisions); final encoding to DV or another codec is not real time, but you can take care of that once at the end of the project.
Är det någon som prövat ändra filen och köra med en G4:a 350Mhz. Ska pröva själv (när HD:n kommit) men om någon redan vet något vore det kul att höra. Givetvis tappar man framerate, men huvudsaken man ser ungefär hur det kommer se ut.
Är det tyngre att klippa i DV än i OfflineRT?