Lithium Ion (Li-Ion)
Lithium Ion batteries are very different. You should not deliberately discharge a Li-Ion cell. In fact, if you were to manage to run one flat, it would probably be damaged. There is electronics inside each Li-Ion battery to protect it from such abuse, but don´t take the risk!
To keep your Li-Ion battery in good shape, simply charge it overnight before it runs down. If a full battery at all times matters to you, you can top it up whenever you like, but you´ll probably get a longer service life from it if you only recharge it when it is getting a bit low.
Här står det MASSA info om li-ion.
Alltså verkar det som det bästa är att ladda ordentligt dom första gångerna, inte låta batteriet gå ner alltför mycket före nästa laddning men inte heller för lite. Då maximerar man livslängden.