Några intressanta detaljer ur listan jag länkade ovan:
Upplösningsberoende kommer på allvar i Leopard:
Leopard will feature resolution-independent user interface and there are several functions to get the current scaling factor and apply it to pixel measurements. It is a good idea to use vector controls and buttons (PDF will work fine) or to have multiple sized resources, similar to Mac OS X icon design, so you can scale to the nearest size for the required resolution.
Textmotorn (som de flesta program använder) kommer att ha en del förbättringar, inte minst kopiera och klistra multipla markeringar:
Text engine improvements include a systemwide grammar checking facility, smart quote support, automatic link detection and support for copying and pasting multiple selections.
Core Image ger direktaccess till RAW-bilder:
Core Image has been upgraded to allow access to RAW images directly.
Det blir enklare för utvecklare att använda RSS/Atom i sina program:
A new framework is included for publishing and subscribing to RSS and Atom feeds, including complete RSS parsing and generation. Local feeds can be shared over Bonjour zero-configuration sharing and discovery.