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Photoshop 6 färger

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  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2001-05-23 17:09

Jag har Photoshop 6 på en powerbook g3. Mina färger blir väldigt bleka. Tar jag till exempel in en bild från illustrator(RGB) så blir den mycket blekare i photoshop. Ska jag behöva gå tillbaks till 5.5?

Photoshop Color Settings bug? Jon Kane discovered a Photoshop Color Settings bug, that has been confirmed by Adobe Tech Support. He writes: "If you change your color setting to anything other than the default setting (web), the new color settings are not applied to an existing image with a different color space. An example would be when you change your color settings from SWOP Coated to SWOP uncoated, the image on your screen should darken slightly to show the difference in dot gain. This way you can correct the image if necessary. Now if you open an existing image that is not in the current color space (or grayscale image), any change to the color space (or grayscale dot gain) will not show on screen for correcting. Adobe Tech said that this bug should be fixed in a future update."

Update: Despite Adobe´s confirmation, reader Andrew Rodney claims that this is not bug. He writes: "Photoshop 6 supports Document Specific Color. If you have a file that´s in SWOP, that´s what´s being used to preview the file to screen. Changing the Color Settings don´t affect the currently open file because Photoshop is still using the embedded profile in the document (SWOP) to produce the preview. If the file has no embedded profile, things are different. Here, Photoshop 6 has to assume something about this untagged file. It assumes the current Working Space. So, if you had a file that was in CMYK (or any colorspace) and no embedded profile and you change the Working Space in the color prefs, Photoshop believes something different about this untagged file. It thus will use whatever settings the user now sets to preview the file. Photoshop 5 worked differently. A PDF that explains all this is available

Det finns en pdf som förklarar detta på:

Hoppas det hjälper!

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2001-05-23 20:03

oj verkar som det egentligen inte är så mycket mer att göra än att nergradera sig. jaja.
tack så mycket.

  • Medlem
  • 2001-05-28 15:07

PS 6 är mycket bättre på att visa färger än PS 5.5. Allt hänger bara på hur bra man har ställt Photoshop, det gäller att bestämma sig för vilka "färgrymder" man ska använda sig av.

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