Läste detta mycket tragiska precis.
"When asked by one participant if there were plans for a Mac version of the game, Rein said that there were "No specific plans for Mac yet." He later added that "the fractured situation" caused by the division of Mac users between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X makes it hard for him to see such work "as being worth the effort."
Dessutom följande intressanta kommentar
"Rein also said he is confident that Epic Games would get something "done down the road." He also said that he found it interesting to see how much effort Epic´s principle competitor, Id software, "devotes to Mac."
Kanske dags att ta lärdom av Id, och fundera på om "fördelarna" med Direct3d är värt inkompabilitetspriset jämfört med OpenGL.
Suck, jag som äntligen började känna att Counterstrike började bli passé. Säg inte att man inte ska kunna spela UT2003 med sina pc-kompisar nu också.