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  • Oregistrerad
  • 2002-07-20 14:06

I USA söker Apple massor av "Mac Geniuses". Här i Sverige finns Ser Apple oss? De skulle kunna använda sig av oss, på mässor och massor. Bara en tanke. De letar efter oss i USA...


Title: Mac Genius - Short Hills, NJ
Req. ID: 1771041
Location: Short Hills-Short Hills-R043, New Jersey
Country: United States

Mac Genius
Ambassador to the local Macintosh community

Do you love Macs and enjoy interacting with other Mac users? Does the thought of working for Apple make you tingle more than those three seconds right after a sneeze? If so, and you enjoy working with people as much as PC´s, you might have what it takes to become a Mac Genius.

Millions of users around the world know that when done right, a computer can be much more than a bland box made for the
left side of the brain. They know the elegance and power of the Macintosh.

As a Mac Genius, you´ll play host to this remarkable community of people. Whether someone wants a casual conversation about Digital Video or needs an emergency Hard Drive replacement, you´ll be there. Your fundamental mission: Ensure no Mac User ever again receives inadequate service or second-class treatment.

Now we realize not just anyone has what it takes to be a Mac Genius. That´s the point. You have to be the best. Still interested?

Key Features:

* Confidently manages other operating systems, but handles a Mac like Yo-Yo-Ma plays the Cello.
* Would rather be in the front row of a MacWorld Keynote than have free cable for a year.
* Can delicately identify the difference between a misguided User and an unhealthy Macintosh.
* Instinctively straightens the Mac software shelves when shopping at the local computer store.
* Genuinely enjoys helping others make the most of their Macs.
* Comfortably translates "techno-jargon" into laymen´s terms.
* Skillfully restores ailing Macs back to full health.
* Has been able to find Cupertino, CA on a US Map since the age of 12.
* Would move to Timbuktu if they required all computers to be Macs.
* Always eager to discuss cutting edge technology and why Macs rule.

Job Description:

* Lead an interactive environment where people can gather with their Macs to ask questions and learn new things.
* Enrich the Apple/Customer relationship by quickly resolving and documenting technical support events.
* Provide ongoing technology coaching to a terrific service oriented sales team.
* Help snuff out any new and unusual gremlins by quickly notifiying Apple´s engineering teams.
* Make Apple´s Support Site the best in the business by contributing your own tips and tricks.
* Keep your store in tip-top shape and give customers what they´ve always wanted; a little piece of Apple in their own backyard.
* Communicate positively with store team members, customers, channel partners, and headquarters. Remember, you represent the Apple brand.
* Be responsible and take good care of Apple´s assets.
* Maintain a fit and healthy Mac mind and oh yeah, have fun. This is Apple after all.

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2002-07-20 14:45

Det finns redan två ställen som Svenska Apple "tar" manskraft ifrån till mässor o dyl.

1. Separata firmor (jag har jobbat på en av dem bl.a.) med "mac-fanatiker"
2. Macintosh User Groups

Problemet är det att det ska kosta så lite som möjligt men ändå hålla hög standard. Sen gör Apple-Sverige ganska FÅ "public standings", tyvärr.

  • Oregistrerad
  • 2002-07-21 00:14

Det är synd. är Skandinaviens största Macintosh User Group sedan två veckor tillbaka.

Bevaka tråden