Ett annat citat ifrån en användare som bytte ifrån UBB.classic till UBB.threads:
I recently upgraded my license to UBB.threads and I personnaly do not care for the look and feel of threads. I am still running my board on the UBB.classic, because I can´t add the functionality I require. I have set up UBB.threads 6.0 br1 to see what I thought and really am not pleased. just seems way behind I am no php programmer, so adding the hacks I have on UBB.classic is not possible by me. I don´t see anything at that is even close.
There are some hacks I cannot live without and keep me from switching to threads for my site. The main one is the UBB code hack. I have over 40 hacks installed on my UBB.classic, because, quite frankly the default functionality, look and feel just don´t cut it for my needs.
The layout for Threads needs to more closely resemble UBB.classic. When posting a new topic in threads, the page in my humble opinion looks like it was thrown together in 2 minutes and by a html newbie at that. The UBB Code links look cheesy, as well as the color picker. The box for posting is small, and there is no nice table layout like there is in classic or open topic.
I personnaly want my UBB.classic license back, but my host complained about the cpu useage of my UBB.classic, so I had to move it to my linux server and run it off my DSL line from my house, I upgraded to threads to enable me to put it back on my host, but without major help hacking threads, I am stuck up a creek without a paddle.