Hur mycket jag nu redan ändrat mig och tror på nya iMacen desto mer irriterad blev jag över att man inte klev över gigaherz barriären. Läste nyss en mycket bra men kritisk artikel på Creative Mac som jag instämmer till fullo i. Inledningen på artikeln säger nog mer än allt:
Today Intel introduced the 2.2 GHz Pentium 4 processor with support for DDR memory. AMD also today announced its Athlon 2000+ chip, complete with a 266 MHz front-side bus. What do Mac users get today, on the first day of the big Macworld Expo? A redesigned iMac running at speeds slightly slower than the current professional desktop models.
Det är hög tid att dumpa Motorola och slå en signal till AMD & Intel... ett par enstaka rader från Creative Mac:
If I were Steve Jobs, upon my return to Cupertino today the first thing I would do would be to call together every engineer in the company. Then I would say to them, "Ladies and gentlemen, convert everything. Within six months, regardless of cost, everything we make will run natively on AMD and Intel chips. And build a PPC emulator into OS X for legacy applications. There are no vacations, no weekends, no lunch breaks until this is completed. Meeting adjourned."
I would then march into my office and make three phone calls: one to Intel, one to AMD and one to Motorola. In my calls to Intel and AMD, I would ask for a few changes in chip design to help facilitate the transition. In my call to Motorola, I would simply say, "We´re through. We´ll finish out our contracts, and then you´re history. Good luck with those cell phones."