Enligt MOSR så har Apple en ny Airport revision på g;

"Apple has reportedly demonstrated a 112Mbps version of its Airport wireless networking technology for educators in certain West Coast US locations, in anticipation that the new standard, which is up to ten times faster than the current Airport and can sustain original Airport speeds at distances upwards of 50% greater than today´s devices. Release dates vary between reports, but the general consensus is Apple will release at least a partial implementation of this technology at Macworld New York this summer, just in time for the 2002-2003 school year buying season."

Sen är det ju som vanligt rykten, och rykten som Ryan är inblandade i..

En fråga jag ställer mig, vilken IEEE802.11 (eller annan, för den delen) standard skulle denna hastighet överensstämma med?

[ 19 April 2002, 09:08: Meddelandet ändrat av: Jürgen B ]