- Adrian B
- Medlem ●
- Umeå
- 2002-05-11 00:04
Jag och andra har ju tidigare spekulerat i att det borde komma en ny iBook snart och nu har jag hittat lite mera rykten om detta, såhär skriver Think Secret:
iBook update may be on the way
By Nick dePlume, Publisher and Editor in Chief
May 10, 2002 - Beginning last weekend, rumors were spreading about the release of new iBooks. When? "Soon," one Apple insider said at the time. "That´s definite."
Initially, we were hesitant to believe this particular rumor -- as with the rumors leading up to the PowerBook updates of last month, an iBook update would be inconsistent with previous information, and would leave few announcements for Macworld/New York in July. Additionally, iBook inventory in the channel hasn´t produced any solid conclusion. But like the PowerBook reports, its volume merits note.
Both independent resellers and national dealers are reporting that the iBook has reached end-of-life status. One retailer notes that the current models can no longer be ordered from distributors Ingram and TechData, or from Apple directly. Another dealer reports that it hasn´t received iBook orders in weeks, and has orders from March still outstanding. Yet another, from CompUSA, reports that iBook status has been changed there to a discontinued product, D01, meaning "warehouse will not replenish." And from the Apple side of the equation, hints of an update persist.
Och såhär står det på O´Grady´s PowerPage
New iBooks on the Horizon - This Week?
Tue, 07 May 2002, 00:11
Parks Bonifay
A reliable PowerPage source tells us that iBook revisions may be announced as soon as this week. Specifications are still unconfirmed, but we hear that the new iBook will ship with:
* 600 and 800 MHz G3
* 100 MHz system bus across the line
* ATI Radeon Mobility (16 MB)
* 20 and 30 GB HDDs
* 12.1-inch and 14.1-inch displays
* possible resolution increase in the 14-inch model
I have been hearing is that the 12-inch model may be discontinued altogether and that all iBook are going to ship with 14-inch screens. This seems implausible as the smaller form factor is a defining feature of the iBook and is more suited to younger students´ smaller hands.
There is even talk of a stripped down iBook (bare) and a high-end model (SE) like the early days of the iBook, exact configurations are still to be determined.
My only request would be the addition of monitor spanning instead of just mirroring and an increase in the total amount of RAM. What do you need in your next iBook?
Jag skulle dock hellre vänta lite längre på en helt ny iBook G4 med 32 MB grafikminne istället för en liten knuff framåt.
Och jag kan bara inte tänka mig att dom där tankarna på att skippa 12-tumsmodellen och bara köra på 14-tumsmodellen är sanna, så dumma kan dom bara inte vara, alla älskar ju iBooken just för att den är så himla liten och smidig!