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mac design Magazine!!!!!!!!!!, ej för PC weenie

Tråden skapades och har fått 2 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .
  • Medlem
  • Kristianstad
  • 2003-02-26 20:05

Fann för mig en ny tidskrift, Mac design.
En bra tidning med bra råd o framför allt bitska svar till PC användare. Tidningen vänder sig till Macanvändare.

Ex på insändare.

"Okay, you´re riding high on the latest developments from Apple. Your subscription rates, I´m sure, are on the way up and you see no end in sight. And you´ve read your own press reports that say you and your magazine are God´s gift to mankind. Sorry, it isn´t so.
I really like your magazine, just I like my old B&W G3 running Jaguar on the old graphite 21" tube. It´s great and the interface is wonderful, but I do the majority of my work on three Dell PCs. You´ve got to realize that you´re not only hurting your magazine with your puffed-up attitude, but also hurting Apple. It really shows how insecure you are

Dear Kurt
Wow, you really stung us with that clever e-mail. Ouch, that stings. And the whole "insecure" part-man, that´s hitting just a little to close to home. But I have to admit that it*s the "three Dell PCs" thing that really got us.
We had always heard it took four dell PCs to do the same amount of work as one Mac, but you´re able to do it with just three. You go boy!
Really, that?s amazing. Keep it up.?"

Det finns mer godis av detta slag. Som att läsa insändarna till gamla MAD.
Kanske under bältet om man tar det på allvar.
Men tydligen fortsätter PC weenie att läsa tidningen.

[ 27. februari 2003, 15:44: Meddelandet ändrat av: Sten_n ]

  • Medlem
  • Svedala
  • 2003-02-26 21:05

Hehe... skön attityd det där.

  • Medlem
  • Kristianstad
  • 2003-02-27 16:11

Är det fler som läst den eller haft den under ett tag?

Bevaka tråden