Ananas, givetvis - speciellt när man har läst igenom följande utdrag:
"The following address was given at the Smithsonian Institution on April 24, 1990. In the opening little fable, any resemblance to real people or organizations is entirely coincidental.
Exactly fifty years ago, a couple of bright young inventors - let´s call them Dave Doitt and Bill Backard - start making electronic test gear in a garage. During the next few decades, Doitt-Backard becomes a billion-dollar corporation.
Some thirty years pass, and another couple of young engineers, who happens to be Doitt-Backard employees, have a brilliant idea. Bobbs and Wazitt - I´m tired of making up names, so I´ll call them both Steve - think they can build a home computer that any idiot - or at least his children - can operate. To make it sound attractive, they give it a nice edible name - Pineapple.
Well, when they take the idea to their boss, Doitt-Backard gives the Pineapple a raspberry, so the two Steves look for a garage of their own. And - what do you know - this time it´s only ten years before they have a billion-dollar corporation."
Ur "Greetings, carbon-based bipeds!" av Arthur C. Clarke - rekommenderas!