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Carbon Copy Cloner 2.0

Tråden skapades och har fått 1 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Bra blir ännu bättre...

What´s new in this version:
* Preferences are persistent and can be set in a separate window
* Can create a disk image of the appropriate size prior to cloning
* Can create a NetBoot image set
* Can use Disk Utility to repair the source or target drive or repair permissions on the source drive prior to cloning
* Can now synchronize the source to the target
* Improved logging
* Can specify what items are to be automatically ignored in the list of items to be copied
* Can specify what cache files should be removed when CCC is finished
* Can run user-specified pre- or post-flight shell scripts
* Included a menu item to bless disks on OldWorld machines
* Checks that the required Darwin commands are installed prior to use
* Can schedule backups or synchronizations
* Fixed problem with blank admin passwords
Product Description:
Carbon Copy Cloner is a backup/cloning utility for Mac OS X. This version adds many new exciting features such as synchronization, scheduled tasks, creating disk images on the fly, and creating NetBoot image sets from fully customized installations of Mac OS X. CCC is the most cost-effective, easy-to-use backup solution available for Mac OS X.

User Rating:   ***** (4.7)

Developer page:

Tack för det tipset, tankade hem på direkten, eftersom jag har föregångaren.
Det är ju ap-bra, som det brukar heta i vissa forum här..

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