This is the first time ever that a vulnerability has been found in a smart phone and it's been patched ahead of the public demo of the exploit.
There is this meme that the iPhone is not ready for the enterprise because it doesn't have MAPI and special I-T management tools. Yet here we have the first vulnerability in the iPhone and it is promptly patched through a system that will distribute the patches very quickly and easily. A stark contrast to other mobiles. There are multiple holes in Symbian and of course Windows Mobile that remain completely unpatched. Nobody knows when that is going to change. For all the enterprise bluster around those systems they are not patching zero-day exploits.
There are many reasons that the Mac is more secure than Windows, but a big reason is that OS X is such a moving target. Every quarter for 5 years there has been a new version which updates itself automatically. Exploits are made less valuable not just because of the smaller user base than Windows, but also because of the short shelf life of each OS version. The vast majority of Mac users are using the very latest OS and have all the patches applied even though the vast majority of Mac users have no I-T staff and no I-T skills.
When the iPhone first shipped and people started hacking it, there was a lot of talk then that every hack may be temporary, a software update could come down through iTunes at any time and reset the game. There is nothing like that protecting any other mobile.