Alla är vi på väg någonstans... idag hade jag nöjet att möta Ola Ahlvarsson som finns med vid "SIME 07" som en av de få svenskar som har bra koll över IT i Europa, ett av de viktigare eventen för de som driver utvecklingen framåt. Mer om eventet finns via länken, se gärna filmen när du ändå besöker siten. Kunskapskanalen ( Göteborg ) återkommer den 5 december med en längre intervjuv med Ola Ahlvarsson - kan utlova ett ruggigt bra samtal
Så här beskriver "SIME 07" eventet och som kanske kan intresera Martin, ja han vill ju gärna finnas i framkanten... tack och lov:
"...Welcome to the event of the year for an industry that have continued to grow, inspire, disrupt and change the rules of business at an accelerated pace. November 14th-15th at SIME07, all eyes will be on Scandinavia and Berns, Stockholm, as global and local leaders of the Internet-, Telecom-, Media and Entertainment industries will gather in Stockholm to teach, learn, share ideas and do business with over 1000 local stars, aficionados and executives together creating the SIME magic. As we all know great people makes a great conference!..."
Medverkar gör följande "Gurus":
Niklas Zennström: First gained fame as the co-founder of the KaZaA peer-to-peer file sharing . After selling KaZaA,
Esther Dyson, EDventure, investor, author and the queen of US Internet, US
Andreas Weigend, Professor Stanford, ex-Chief Scientist at papers
Nikesh Arora, President of Google EMEA
Michael Oreskes, executive editor, International Herald Tribune, US
Martin Varsavsky, Founder of FON Jazztel,, (Argentine/Spain)
Tristan Nitot, Founder and President of Mozilla Europe
Tariq Krim, Founder and CEO Netvibes, France
Annie Wegelius, Head of programming SVT,previous TV and Internet entrepreneur, Sweden
Danny Rimer, Partner, Index Ventures, (UK)
Anna Malmhake, Global Brand Manager, Absolut Vodka, Sweden
Johan Staël Von Holstein CEO IQube, Sweden
Marcel Reichart, CEO Burda Media, Germany
Morten Lund, Founder and Managing Partner Lund Kenner, entrepreneur, investor, Denmark.
Alexander Bard, Pop star, producer, writer, provocateur, netocrat, philosopher… , Sweden
Christiane zu Salm, Founder and CEO About Change Ventures, Germany
Alex Schulman, The former Swedish gossip reporter that turned one of Europe's most popular AND hated blogger with over 250 000 daily readers, Aftonbladet