Lång historia kort. Telefon: Virgin 1.1.1 out of the box. Windows operativsystem
följde denna guide: http://www.internetfriendsforever.com/dropbox/README
Fast på steg
Congratulations, you're now back at 1.0.2. You'll need to get shell access[FONT="""] to move onto the next step. Since you have Installer.app right there, just run the installer again. This time it should succed. Now activate.
Precis här låser sig det. Med felmeddelande som följer :At the dos-printout it says:
* iPhoneComm v2.0
Using 009-7698-4.dmg as the Ramdisk Image.
Using kernelcache.release.s5l8900xrb as the Kernel Cache.
Architecture: win32
Stage 0: 0 Looking for iPhone...
Stage 1: 1 Sending preliminary files...
Stage 1: 2 Entering recovery mode...
Stage 2: 3 Sending boot files...
Stage 2: 4 Booting iPhone in recovery mode...
Så fortsätter det en lång tid. Tog abort och restartade apptrapp och kom tillbaks till (4) samma grej.
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