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Fiery Leopard-kompatibel?

Tråden skapades och har fått 5 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .
  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2007-11-17 19:00

- Någon som vet om Fiery (vi har X3e-drivrutiner till en KonicaMinolta bizhubC352 med Fiery-RIP) behöver uppdateras för Leopard?

- VI har ett till problem med detta. På Intel-macarna (10.4) kraschar Rosetta-applikationer (tex Photoshop CS2) ganks ofta vid utskrift. Finns någon bot?

- Finns nån BRA sajt för nedladdning av Fiery-drivrutiner?

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2007-11-19 13:36

Fan. Är vi ensamma om att ha en skrivare med Fiery-RIP?

Ursprungligen av thomas:

Fan. Är vi ensamma om att ha en skrivare med Fiery-RIP?


"In August 2007, Apple announced the upcoming release of Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). The target date for this release is October of 2007. This new version introduces over 300 new and enhanced features to OS X, including a new desktop, updated finder enabling easy browsing, and sharing between multiple Macs.
EFI is committed to supporting major operating system releases, such as Mac OS X 10.5, and is working closely with Apple to ensure compatibility with current and legacy Fiery products.
EFI is continuing to test each Leopard release and work with Apple on reported incompatibilities. Our goal is to provide Mac OS X 10.5 support for Fiery applications and drivers within three months of the Mac OS X 10.5 launch.
Based on our current beta testing with the latest release of 10.5, we have identified potential compatibility issues of Fiery applications, and we will provide updated versions as soon as we have final test results.
For drivers, the goal is to work with Apple to have the current EFI printing solutions, compatible with Mac OS X 10.5. If we find that the current drivers need fixes, we will provide a plan based on the issues found.
If the solution is based on the current shipping plug-ins, EFI will likely provide a solution to the OEM projects that received solutions for Intel-Mac support.
If the solution requires a new driver, EFI will evaluate the amount of effort involved. A different plan may be proposed (which may or may not be for the same list of Intel-Mac OEM projects).
Currently, 64-bit applications are not available for testing/evaluation. The current solution is to use the PPD solution at this point for 64-bit Leopard. EFI will provide further information as the 64-bit operating system implementation becomes clearer and 64-bit applications are made available for testing.
Note: EFI cannot officially provide details on driver and application plans until Mac OS X 10.5 ships, because compatibility results may change."

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2007-11-19 14:45

Tack för denna info. Vet du om det finns nån länk eller nåt forum som man kan kolla då och då där uppdateringsinfo sannolikt dyker upp?

  • Medlem
  • 2007-11-20 08:58

Men jämarns (skruttxerox med EX 2000). Och här sitter jag och tyckte 10.5.1 var en bra idé.

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2007-11-20 09:53

Tacksam för en länk! Jag har sökt efter ovanstående meddelande på EFI:s supportsajt, men dom har inte lagt ut det där. Var finns det????

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