Hittade detta på www.quark.com:
When you try to launch QuarkXPress™ software, the application may refuse to launch, and this alert may display:
“Unable to Access Network [115]”
There are many possible causes for this alert, particularly in older versions of QuarkXPress. Your first step in addressing this problem should be to make sure that you have installed the latest update for your version of QuarkXPress. For version 3.x, the latest update is 3.32r5. For version 4.x, it is 4.11 with the 4.11 FixIt XTensions™ module loaded. You can download the updaters you need from the Quark™ Web site.
If you update QuarkXPress to version 4.11, make sure that you also download and install the 4.11 FixIt XTensions module.
You can find out exactly which version and patch level of the program you have installed by looking in the QuarkXPress Environment window (while the program is running, hold down the Option key while choosing the Apple menu → About QuarkXPress; or press Option+Help key on an extended keyboard). The patch level is the number following the “r” (for example: 3.32r5).
If you have updated to the most current version of QuarkXPress, and are still experiencing this problem, here are the most common causes:
* In older versions of the Mac OS that use the Network control panel, EtherTalk is set to a LocalTalk zone. If this is the case, switch to an EtherTalk zone. If you are unsure which zone is EtherTalk, switch to a different zone and try launching QuarkXPress again. Some users have reported that changing the Connect setting in the AppleTalk control panel from Ethernet to Printer Port, then immediately resetting the connection to Ethernet and saving the change will eliminate the [115] alert.
* If the “Unable to Access Network [115]” alert does not display when AppleTalk is inactive, it may be related to a damaged “AppleTalk Preferences” file. Try removing the “AppleTalk Preferences” file (which is found in the “System Folder” → “Preferences” folder) and restarting your computer.
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