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ZiPhone 2.0 Guide

Tråden skapades och har fått 2 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .
  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2008-02-14 13:59

TUTORIAL: How to unlock a 1.1.3 OOTB BL4.6 iPhone on the Mac.

1. Download v2.0.

2. Extract zip-file into a folder.

3. Open the Terminal-application, enter cd, drag the folder where you unzipped ZiPhone from the finder into terminal - the folder name should appear behind the cd typed in before. Hit return.

4. Connect your iPhone to the Mac, wait until iTunes has been started - and quit iTunes.

5. Enter ./ziphone -j -a -v and return. DON'T FORGET THE -v OPTION, AS IT SEEMS TO CURE THE APPLE-PROBLEM!

6. After restarting you should see messages rolling thru on the screen of your phone. After appr. 40 seconds the iPhone reboots - and is activated and jailbroken.

7a. To unlock the iPhone WITHOUT downgrading the bootloader to 3.9 enter ./ziphone -u -v. After ziphone has displayed some messages, the iPhone's screen starts to show messages rolling thru. After appr. 2 minutes the iPhone reboots - and is unlocked. Because the bootloader is still 4.6, the modem firmware has been downgraded to 04.02.13_G - so Locate-me is not working.

7b. To downgrade the bootloader to 3.9, enter ./ziphone -b -v. After ZiPhone has displayed some messages, the iPhone's screen starts to display messages rolling thru. After around 2 minutes, the iPhone reboots and the bootloader is downgraded to 3.9, the phone is unlocked similar to AnySIM 1.3.

If you are stuck with a 1.1.1- or 1.1.2-phone - or a phone which only displays the Apple after boot, bring the phone into restore mode (switching the phone off - and on again while holding the home button) and restore it to 1.1.3 using iTunes. Don't worry about the 04.03.13_G modem firmware, ZiPhone will taking care of it. After the iPhone has been restored, start with step 1.

Kopierat från zibris blog.

Om man inte vill använda terminalen går det lika bra med ZiPhone GUI programm finns för båda Mac och PC.

Om man fortfarande är osäker så har iClariefied guider för både Mac och PC.


Kan väl lägga till lite:

Gjorde en otb1.1.2 nyss

1. Gjorde restore i itunes till 1.1.3
2. Fixa Ziphone
3. Stängde av itunes helt och hållet
4. Satte iphonen i restore mode
5. Körde ziphone med komandot "ziphone -v -a -j -u"
6. Tog cirka 2 minuter sen rebootade telefonen och allt funkade som det skulle.

OBS. Jag behövde inte lägga till något iWorld eller liknande det funkade kanon utan. Lade sedan in alla swephone uppdateringarna och det funkade även detta kanon.

Som extra info: Det som iWorld fixade tidigare ingår nu som standard i 1.1.3 från Apple. Så inget sånt behövs.

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