Det verkar inte bättre än att detta är ett problem med OS X (10.5.2?) i sig.
Har just skickat en ganska utförlig "bug report" till Apple om detta problem.
Här är det viktigaste:
What happens is that the frontmost app starts beach balling for some reason and it can't be force quit. If I go to another running application I can scroll around fine and also move the window/windows belonging to this app, but as soon as I "do" something (i.e. try to quit it or save an open document) that app also starts beach balling. If I try to open another application it won't "come up" properly (pulsate/bounce in the Dock) and then it also stalls with the beach ball. This happened when I tried to launch Application Monitor. Eventually the Dock also stalled and the Finder and everything.
Screen shot of Force Quit window:
The interesting thing is that I can log in to the machine (from another computer of course) using SSH and everything seems fine when I run the "top" command! No application is using a lot of processing power or anything. I wish I had more Unix command knowledge as I maybe then could do some core dumps of the system or something, because this really feels like some kind of bug in OS X. It's quite rare, but still anoying as it requires a forced restart.
I've red about other Mac OS X Leopard users on the web that experienced the sam problem.
(I've also had it happen a few times in Tiger)."
Får se vad det blir för feedback på problemet. Föhoppningsvis löser det sig i någon uppdatering (10.5.3 vore såklart fint...).